Wilson Shafer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Chemistry
Department: Science & Health
Office: Shaw Collaborative Learning Center 239
Phone Extension: 2231
Contact Wilson ShaferBiographical Information
Will received his Bachelors in 2003 from University of Kentucky with an emphasis on materials/electrochemistry. He then went to EKU to receive is his MS in 2007 with an emphasis in Analytical. During his tenure at EKU Will worked on developing a method for verification and quantification of Ergot alkaloids in various farm animal tissues. After EKU, Will worked as a chemist under Burt Davis in the Clean Fuels and Chemicals group, at the Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER), which is a part of the University of Kentucky. Visit his research group’s website for more information on his current projects at Asbury University.
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Kentucky
- Dissertation: http://uknowledge.uky.edu/chemistry_etds/56/
- M.S. in Chemistry, Eastern Kentucky University (2007)
- Dissertation: https://eku.on.worldcat.org/oclc/190847075
- B.A. in Chemistry, University of Kentucky – Emphasis in Materials (2003)