Sam Kim, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies
Department: Christian Ministry
Office: Hughes Auditorium 137
Phone Extension: 2343
Contact Sam KimBiographical Information
Before coming to Asbury University, I served as a missionary in Jordan for 15 years with my family. I was involved in sharing the gospel and discipling converts from a Muslim background. I also taught at the E. Stanley Jones school of Asbury Theological Seminary for three years.
I am married to Jaehyung Yoon and have two sons (David and Daniel). I am an ordained pastor in the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church.
- B.A. from Sungkyunkwan University (Pharmacology)
- M.Div. from Seoul Theological University
- Th.M. from Asian Center for Theological Studies (Missiology)
- Ph.D. from Asbury Theological Seminary (Intercultural Studies)
- Cultural Anthropology in Yarmuk University (M.A. pending).
I have written several books and articles, including Identity Crisis: Standing Between Two Identities of Women Believers from Muslim Backgrounds in Jordan (Wipf&Stock, 2015), “(Re) forming Identities and Allegiances: Identity Crisis” in When women speak (Regnum Books, 2018), “Children of Asian Immigrants: Korean adolescence” in Tri- Level Identity Crisis: Children of 1st Generation Immigrants (Wipf & Stock, 2020), “The prophet Nuh in the Qur’an: The proclaimer of Islamic holism” in Prophets in the Quran and the Bible (Wipf & Stock,2021), “Wesleyan Spirit of mission among Muslims” in Practice of Mission in Global Methodism: Emerging trends from everywhere to everywhere. Routledge, 2021), and so on.
Presentations in 2019
- “Gospel and Culture from interreligious perspective.” Faculty panel presentation of Academic Researched Program Interdisciplinary Colloquium at Asbury Theological Seminary
- “Destruction and Redemption in the Life of Syrian Refugee women in Jordan.” EMS presentation.
- “Global Christianity: Asian Christianity.” Plenary Lecture at United Theological Seminary, OH.
- “Reflection and envisioning the mission of God through the eyes of the Lausanne movement.” APM presentation
- “Compassion, Mercy and Justice in the Islamic holistic view through Nuh (Noah) narrative and Christian approaches.” ASM presentation
Current research focus is reconciliation in religions and cultures.