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Director of Graduate Studies in Communication
Associate Professor

Departments: Communication & Theatre Arts, Media, Journalism & Digital Storytelling

Office: Miller Center for Communication Arts 246

Phone Extension: 3346

Contact Elizabeth Jones

Biographical Information

Dr. Elizabeth Jones is Associate Professor of Communication, Media Communication, and Program Coordinator for the Masters in Communication Arts. She received her BA in Communication from Grove City College and her MA in Digital Storytelling and Telecommunications from Ball State University. She then worked in media production as the Director of Creative Arts for a nonprofit organization. Sensing a call to research and teaching, Elizabeth subsequently obtained her PhD in Communication from The Ohio State University. Her current research occurs at the intersection of communication technology, interpersonal communication, and health communication, specializing in communication and aging. Elizabeth’s work has been presented at national and international conferences, and has been published in top communication journals. Elizabeth  especially enjoys helping students understand the applicability of communication concepts to their personal and professional lives. She regularly collaborates with Asbury students on research endeavors.


  • Ph.D. in Communication, The Ohio State University
  • M.A. in Digital Storytelling and Telecommunications, Ball State University
  • B.A. in Communication, Grove City College

Courses offered: 

  • Liberal Arts Seminar (LA 100)
  • Public Speaking (COM 150)
  •  Interpersonal Communication (COM 220)
  •  Introduction to Social Media and Emerging Technologies (COM 261)
  •  Researching the Big Idea: Comm Research Methods (COM 340)
  •  Communication Field Experience: San Francisco & Silicon Valley (COM 397)
  •  Social Media Marketing (COM 461)
  • Intro to Graduate Studies in Communication (DSG 502)
  • Cross-Platform Storytelling (DSG 585)
  •  Viral Marketing Methods (DSG 630)
  •  Communication Research Methods: Creativity, Tools and Evaluation (DSG 641)

Selected/Recent Publications: 

Dillon, K.P., & Jones, E.B. (Accepted). How ‘Real’ is Reality Television? Marginalized Group Representativeness in Competitive Reality Television Programming. Accepted to Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Jones, E.B. (2017). Conversing Cooperatively: Using “Mini-Conversations” to Develop Conversational Knowledge and Skill. Communication Teacher, 31, 193-197.

Jones, E.B., & Thompson, K. (2014). Obesity, overview. In T.L. Thompson & G.L. Golson. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Van Der Heide, B., Schumaker, E. M., Peterson, A. M., & Jones, E. B. (2013). The Proteus effect in dyadic communication: Examining the effect of avatar appearance in computer-mediated dyadic interaction. Communication Research40, 838-860.


Jones, E.B., & Kline, S.L. (2018, May). A multiple goals perspective on motivating weight management messages in interpersonal relationships. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.

Jones, E.B., & Kline, S.L. (2018, April). Supportive weight management communication for middle-aged and older adults: A comparison of message features. Poster presented at the 2018 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, Kentucky.

Jones, E.B. (2017, November). Growing old online: Portrayals of older adults on YouTube. Paper presented at the 103rd Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.

Jones, E.B. (2017, November). Panel participant on National Communication Association panel titled “Linguistic Relevance and the Shaping of Public Affairs.” Conference Theme Division, Dallas, TX.

Jones, E.B. (2016, November). What makes videos go viral? Exploring virality on YouTube. Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA. (Top G.I.F.T.S. session) 

Jones, E.B. (April, 2016). Text or tweet? The role of technological channel in middle-aged and older adults’ weight management supportive communication. Paper presented at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.

Jones, E.B. (November, 2015). Developing conversational knowledge and skill through a conversation breakfast. Paper presented at the 101st Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV. 

Jones, E.B. (November, 2015). Panel participant and chair on National Communication Association Conference Panel titled “Pedagogy for Learners Beyond 18-24: Building Doors for Teaching across the Adult Lifespan.” Opportunities for Pedagogy Division.

Jones, E.B. (November, 2015). Panel participant and chair on National Communication Association  Conference Panel titled “Providing Students with Opportunities in Experiential Learning by Embracing Social Media.” Opportunities for Experiential Learning Division.

Jones, E.B. (November, 2015). Panel participant on National Communication Association Conference Panel titled “Let’s Talk About Age: Embracing Pedagogy as an Opportunity to Teach, Manage, and Overcome Age Stereotypes.” Communication and Aging and Instructional Development Divisions.

Jones, E.B. (2015, May). Modeling motivational support: A conception and test of motivational support messages. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Jones, E.B. (2015, May). Panel participant on International Communication Association Conference (2015) Panel titled “Innovative Pedagogy in Lifespan and Aging Communication.” Instructional and Developmental Division.

Jones, E.B. (2014, November). Exiting the weight management roller coaster: Supportive communication and motivation for middle-aged and older adults. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. 

Jones, E.B. (2014, November). Panel participant on National Communication Association Conference (2014) Panel titled “Graduate Student to  Teacher: Tales from the Field.” Instructional Development Division.

Jones, E.B., & Kline, S. (2013, November). Portrayals of older adults on U.S. primetime television: Appropriate and effective? Paper presented at the 99th Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC.

Jones, E.B., & Rooney, M. (2013, October). Religious content in social support messages. Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Mini-Conference, Louisville, KY.

Fox, J., Jones, E.B., & Lookadoo, K.* (2013, June). Romantic relationship dissolution on social networking sites: Social support, coping, and rituals on Facebook. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London, England. (*Highly Rated Competitive Papers in Interpersonal Communication Panel)

Current research/scholarship: 

Dr. Jones’ current research occurs at the intersection of communication technology, interpersonal communication, and health communication, specializing in communication and aging. She collaborates with students to investigate how communication can promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.


International Communication Association

National Communication Association (Current Vice-Chair Elect of the Communication and Aging Division)

International Association for Relationship Research

Christianity and Communication Studies Network

Contact Elizabeth Jones

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