Damage Policies – Asbury University
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Damage Policies

While the residence facilities are the property of Asbury University, a resident student assumes the responsibilities of a renter and is expected to care for his/her “home” as if it were his/her own. It is expected that some items will need replacing due to normal use, but the student is expected to take personal responsibility for his/her room or apartment. Intentional vandalism cannot be tolerated. In an effort to be good stewards of that which has been entrusted to the University and to assist students in personal accountability and responsibility, the University employs the following policies regarding damage to the residence hall:

  • Common Areas: Charges for damages to University property in common areas of the facility which cannot be attributed to an individual(s) will be levied against the residence hall damage fund for the appropriate facility. This account is funded by a portion ($7.50 per semester) of the room charge, and unexpended funds at the end of each year are transferred to a programming account for Community Life under the supervision of the Associate Dean for Community Life. Charges resulting from damages to common areas which are deemed excessive by the Associate Dean for Community Life will be evenly divided among the residents of the affected areas.
  • Individual Rooms: The student is responsible for damages to his/her room or apartment from the outside of the door to the outside of the window screen. The cost to repair damages will be billed to the student, who will have 30 days to pay said charges. If not paid during the prescribed time, the charges will be placed on the student’s account along with a $7 filing fee.

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