Community Life Handbook: Life Together at Asbury University – Asbury University
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Life Together at Asbury University

The Asbury University experience is an intentional and purposeful “life together” endeavoring to create space for the transformational work of the Holy Spirit. As a community, we share commitments that give us the best opportunity to care for each other, collaborate in our educational and transformational mission and challenge one another with redemptive and grace-filled accountability to grow in Christ. Community life standards are required of all undergraduate students, whether full-time, part-time, online, residential, or commuter.

Community life is about participation. Specifically, participating in an intentional community that makes meaningful demands of our lives so we might all belong, become and be set apart.

In 1 Corinthians 10, the Apostle Paul gives us a picture for thinking about Holy living and life together. While “all things” may be permitted, “not all things are beneficial” (v. 23, NRSV). Just because something can be done does not mean that it edifies the community. In addition to considering whether an act, practice, or policy benefits an individual as well as community members, we are called to “do everything for the glory of God” (v. 31, NRSV).

Given our conviction that community, in its mature expression, is about participation—students unwilling to comply with our community standards or students demonstrating attitudes or behaviors that are egregious and/or disruptive to the community may be asked to leave the institution.