Community Life Handbook: Students’ Role in Decision-Making – Asbury University
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Students’ Role in Decision-Making

Students at Asbury University participate in institutional decision-making through specific mechanisms described below:

Asbury Student Congress

The Asbury Student Congress (ASC) exists as an elected, representative assembly of the Student Body. According to the ASC Constitution, the “Congress shall have the power of recommendation concerning the overall affairs of the University and on matters relating to student affairs, and subject to Faculty and/or Administration sanction, the power of legislation on matters pertinent to student affairs” (Article IV, Section 1). In addition to recommendations emanating from the ASC, recommendations also may be generated by one of the following ASC bodies:

  • Executive Committee of the ASC
  • Student Governance Association
  • Spiritual Life Board
  • Student Intercultural Program Board

Recommendations from the ASC or its branches may be presented to the appropriate administrative vice president, who will either consider the proposal at that level or take it to the President’s Cabinet, whichever is appropriate.

Faculty Standing Committees

Faculty Standing Committees are responsible for recommending changes in policies and procedures to the Faculty Assembly, which may choose to support these recommendations to the Administration for implementation (Faculty Manual, 300.6). The composition of the following Faculty Standing Committees includes two student members, appointed by the ASC President:

  • Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee (non-voting members)
  • Student Community and Safety Committee (voting members)
  • Cross Cultural Experience Committee (voting members)
  • Enrollment Advisory Committee (voting members)
  • Technology and Teaching and Learning Committee (voting members)
  • Liberal Arts Council (voting members)
  • Intercultural Development and Awareness Committee (voting members)

Special Purpose Committees

Special Purpose Committees are faculty committees that give attention to specific areas of campus life (Faculty Manual, 300.6.3). While largely advisory in nature, they may make recommendations to the Provost for Faculty Assembly consideration. The following Special Purpose Committees have student representation:

  • Athletic Advisory Committee (2 voting members, both student-athletes)
  • Spiritual Vitality Committee (2 voting members: ASC President or designee and VP for Spiritual Life)
  • Teacher Education Committee (2 voting members, both education majors)

Faculty Assembly

The composition of the Faculty Assembly is established in the Faculty Manual (300.4) and provides for the inclusion of the Student Body President or designated representative (300.4.1.3) as a non-voting member. In accordance with the Faculty Manual, the “student representative may participate freely in the meetings by speaking to issues, asking or answering questions, or commenting upon the proceedings” (300.4.2 A).

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