Community Life Handbook: Student Accountability, Discipline and Appeals – Asbury University
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Student Accountability, Discipline and Appeals

As noted earlier in the Community Life Statement, Asbury University is committed to being a community characterized by grace, restoration, redemption and accountability. We believe grace and accountability go hand in hand to achieve mature and responsible growth in individuals.


The goal of the discipline process is individual redemption and the restoration of damaged relationships. The process for repairing a breach in a relationship varies from situation to situation depending on circumstances. Even in situations in which temporary separation of a student from the University is necessary, steps to restore the relationship will be established.


Accountability in the Christian community should take several forms. First, everyone should present himself or herself in such a way as to be in harmony with the community. Secondly, individuals should confront one another privately in love and gentleness with a goal of restoring others to a right relationship within the community (Matthew 18:15-17; Ephesians 4:15; Galatians 6:1-2). Students may expect to be held officially accountable for the Holy, Holistic and Honoring standards of the Handbook by Resident Assistants, Assistant Resident Directors, Resident Directors, Student Life staff, coaches and faculty members.

Informal Discipline 

Informal discipline is intended to produce restoration and reconciliation within the community. All members of the community should strive to nurture the community through informal discipline motivated by a heart of love. The work of community is to encourage one another to reflect a holy, holistic and honoring community together.

  • Help and/or Forgiveness: Students are encouraged to be accountable and responsible for their actions. Students who, prior to any administrative knowledge of an indiscretion or violation, come to a Resident Director, Associate Dean, or the Vice President for Student Life for help and/or forgiveness will receive help and/or forgiveness as deemed appropriate by the administrator. This “growth initiative” will require the individual to forsake the activity or violation that created the rift and take the necessary steps for restoration.

Formal Discipline 

However, there are times when formal accountability becomes part of the redemption process. The intention of these procedures is to draw one back into the community with the least disruption within the community. These formal procedures will be applied in a consistent and fair manner.


Generally, student discipline responses move from Warning to Probation to Suspension. However, flagrant disregard for the Holy, Holistic and Honoring principles may result in immediate separation from the University. Students may expect that conversations will include the presence of their RD or Director of Commuter Life and the Assistant Vice President for Student Life. If desired, students may bring with them a support person that is a full-time faculty or staff member of their choice.

Formal discipline may include one or more of the following:

  • Incident Notice: A documented statement of the standard violated to make the student aware of the community policy or procedure.
  • Fines: May be levied for community standard violations (plus restitution, if applicable). Fines are to be paid in cash.
  • Community Service, Essays, Education or Training: Some accountability processes may include any or all of these items.
  • Disciplinary Warning: A disciplinary status in which the student is given specific terms by the Resident Director and/or Assistant Vice President of Student Life, which may include community service, mentoring, fines and/or a growth or behavioral contract.
  • Behavioral Contract: An agreement documenting how certain behavior will be managed between the student and the University in order for the student to remain in the residence life program and/or a student.
  • Disciplinary Probation: A disciplinary status that permits students to remain in school under specific terms designated by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life and/or the Vice President for Student Life. A student who is on disciplinary probation may not represent the University in any manner or hold any class, club, or student body office.
  • Suspension: An action by the Vice President for Student Life or Assistant Vice President of Student Life that separates the student from the University for a specified period not to exceed ten class days. During a suspension, a student is to go home immediately (unless another option is approved) and not return to campus until the specified period has ended. The parents of dependent students and appropriate faculty/staff will be notified. No refunds will be issued for days missed. When the student returns to campus, he or she will be placed on disciplinary probation, which will include mandatory mentoring. Academic consequences are determined by individual faculty members.
  • Disciplinary Withdrawal: An action initiated by the student and approved by the Assistant Vice President or Vice President for Student Life for a student to withdraw without the privilege of re-enrollment for at least the following semester.
  • Disciplinary Denial of Re-enrollment: An action by the Assistant Vice President or Vice President for Student Life to separate a student from the University for at least one semester for disciplinary reasons.
  • Disciplinary Dismissal: An action by the Assistant Vice President or Vice President for Student Life to separate a student from the University immediately for disciplinary reasons. The length of the dismissal and the terms by which the student may qualify to return are determined by the Assistant Vice President or Vice President for Student Life. Refunds for tuition and/or housing and food are made in accordance with guidelines in the Academic Catalog.

    Note: In cases of dismissal, disciplinary withdrawal or denied re-enrollment, the Assistant Vice President or Vice President for Student Life must approve the student’s readmission.


Following any formal discipline, a student is guaranteed the right to one appeal to the next highest level of authority. The appeal must be made in writing within 48 hours after receiving the discipline. The letter of appeal must establish at least one of the following: (1) new evidence, (2) procedural error, (3) the discipline decision is inconsistent with community standards or (4) extenuating circumstances. The process should include an opportunity for the student and the individual who initiated the discipline to state and defend his or her position to the appellate authority. The decision of the appellate authority will be final. Appeals of discipline shall be made as follows:

  • Discipline by a Resident Assistant (or Assistant Resident Director) may be appealed to the Resident Director, who will respond within one work week after receiving the appeal.
  • Discipline by a Resident Director may be appealed to the Assistant Vice President of Student Life, who will respond within one work week after receiving the appeal.
  • Discipline by the Assistant Vice President of Student Life may be appealed to the Vice President for Student Life, who will respond within one work week after receiving the appeal.
  • Discipline by the Vice President for Student Life may be appealed to the Presidential Appeals Committee. The committee will respond to the President within one work week after receiving the appeal. The Vice President for Student Life will inform the student of the committee’s final decision. The Presidential Appeals Committee is authoritative, and there is no further appeal. Specific guidelines for this process may be obtained from the office of the Vice President for Student Life.

Presidential Appeals Committee

The Presidential Appeals Committee is the final authority for appeals that follow disciplinary action by the Vice President for Student Life. The committee is appointed by the President and is comprised of at least three faculty, administrators, or staff members. Occasionally, the President may call for a member of Student Government to serve on the appeals committee.

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