Academic Accessibility Important Forms – Asbury University
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Academic Accessibility Important Forms

Student Guide to Academic Accessibility Resources

Provides an overview of Academic Accessibility accommodations.

Student Guide to Academic Accessibility 0721

Student and Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Provides a detailed list of what Faculty members and students enrolled in the AAR are responsible for and have the right to do

Student and Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Test Proctoring

Complete a form for general or final exams and send it to or return it to the Center for Academic Excellence. 

Test Proctoring Fillable

FINALS Proctoring Request 2022 Fillable

If you are eligible to receive academic accommodations, you need to speak with your professor to request testing accommodations a minimum of 3 academic days before the test is scheduled and contact the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) within the appropriate amount of time to request an alternative testing space.

If your test is scheduled on a… Contact the CAE on or before…
MONDAY The WEDNESDAY before testing day
TUESDAY The THURSDAY before testing day
WEDNESDAY The FRIDAY before testing day
THURSDAY The MONDAY before testing day
FRIDAY The TUESDAY before testing day

Alternative Textbook Request Form

Once you have completed the Alternative Textbook Request form, use this form to list the specific books you need in alternative formats. Submit this form ALONG WITH YOUR PROOF OF PURCHASE for your textbooks. Please fill out one form per textbook.

Textbook Request Form

Note Taking Requests

If you have a note taking accommodation, please fill out the form below and we will try to find a note taker for each of your listed classes

Note Taker Request Form