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Student Health Insurance

Student Health Services offers multiple care options and services to meet the health care needs of our students, but cannot offer hospitalization, surgery, emergency room care, medical referrals, x-rays, laboratory or other diagnostic tests, etc. Therefore, a health insurance policy for off-campus health expenses is mandatory for all students.

Students not already covered under their own or their parents’ insurance plan can purchase a range of student health insurance plans through the marketplace or apply for Kentucky Medicaid at  Students whose insurance plans offer limited benefits outside their network area (i.e. Non-Kentucky Medicaid and HMO plans) are highly encouraged to consider purchasing one of these plans.  At this time, Asbury University does not offer a health insurance plan to non-international students or graduate students.

International undergraduate students have access to a University International Student Insurance Plan.  For questions about policy enrollment, email Student Accounts or call (859) 858-3511, x.2330.

Many of the services at the Health Services Clinic are free to full-time undergraduate students. If the student needs to be referred to a specialist, a lab or any outside doctor, the student is personally responsible for the resulting charges.

Athletic Injury Insurance

Student intercollegiate athletes have additional coverage under the University’s secondary sports insurance plan. Asbury’s Intercollegiate Athletic Insurance is an excess-only policy – after the athlete’s primary insurance company has paid its portion of medical bills, the claim will be filed for processing with FirstAgency, Inc., for reimbursement of any remaining medical expenses. If you have further questions, please email Russ Abner or call (859) 858-3511, x2470.