Travel Course Info for Faculty Members – Asbury University
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Travel Course Info for Faculty Members

Various departments across campus sponsor short-term Travel Courses during semester breaks.  These are a fantastic way for students to travel the world, learn about a particular topic, immerse in another culture, and earn academic credit. Travel Courses that take students out of the country as well as some of the stateside options may be counted towards the Cross-Cultural Engagement (CCE 073/CCE 150EX) requirement.

Previous/current Travel Courses include:

  • COM 397 Communication Field Experience – Haiti
  • EDE 393 A Perspective on International Education – China
  • JRN 393 Olympic Journalism – England Olympics
  • JRN 393 Seminar: Journalism in Europe
  • JRN 475 Senior Seminar – Russia Olympics
  • PSY 393 Holocaust Studies Tour – Germany/Poland
  • THA 393 Seminar: Acting at the Globe – England
  • MC 360 Underwater Cinematography – Mexico
  • MC 435 Olympic Internship – Brazil, England, Russia, Canada
  • MC 397 Seminar: Media Industry Travel – Brazil Olympics
  • MUS Field Trip: Chorale in Italy
  • NT 393 St. Paul & the Early Church – Turkey


  • DSG 680 Media Workshop: Los Angeles
  • COM 397 Communication Experience: San Francisco
  • SW 293 Urban Studies: Chicago
  • MC 397 Seminar in Media Industry Travel: New York City

Travel Course Forms

Interested in teaching an academic course with in-country context? Taking students abroad for a 1-to-3-week travel course or a whole semester can be a very rich experience and a powerful educational tool. The first step toward leading a Travel Course is to complete the Request to Offer External Course form. You can obtain this online or request a hard copy from the Study Abroad Office. The Office of the Provost oversights all academic travel programs, but it is the role of the Study Abroad office to work with faculty members to establish the Travel Courses. To begin the process, please schedule an appointment to meet with the Study Abroad coordinator to discuss Program Development. During this meeting you will discuss how to complete the Request to Offer External Course form, review budget plans, be provided with travel and logistical resources, discuss marketing plans as well as review the course curriculum. Along with program logistics, the Study Abroad office will also conduct a safety and health risk assessment. If there are any glaring red flags (lack of plans, obvious safety and security issues regarding the destination, etc.) that might cause the application to be denied, the Study Abroad office will bring it to the faculty member’s attention. Faculty members must already have a concrete plan before they seek for approval from the Office of the Provost.

Review of the application will normally take up to two weeks. Both the Provost and the VP for Business Affairs must review and approve the program. The Registrar’s Office will also review the course numbering, title, and confirm course fees. If it is a completely new course, it must be first approved by the Academic and Policy Campus Committee (APCC). If this is a repeat travel course and minor edits have been made (date changes, budget updates, etc.) please resubmit an updated Request form for approval.

Please see the following forms for more information: