Exterior government building in Germany with German flags

Study Abroad

Affiliate Semesters

Consider pre-approved affiliate semester programs run by trusted partners in locations like Oxford, Tokyo, Jerusalem and more.

Travel Courses

Explore the world and gain class credit with an Asbury faculty member. Opportunities span the globe from London, to Japan, to Australia, and beyond.

Students gathering under an arch

Application Processes

Know where you want study? Apply now! We’ll take you through the process step-by-step for a semester abroad or travel courses.

Deese Initiative Grant

Fully fund your international service project by submitting a proposal for the Deese Grant. This grant program enables eligible Asbury University students to receive up to $10,000 in order to facilitate valuable experiences outside the classroom, which may motivate them to consider careers in international service

Small group of Asbury students stand in wetsuits on a dock in a tropical ocean setting

Study Abroad FAQ’s

Study Abroad is the term applied to the participation of a university student in a structured, credit-granting program of academic study in a foreign country with either a foreign or domestic accredited university. Programs can range in duration during summer term, a semester, or an academic year.

Study abroad is an enriching and eye-opening adventure, where learning extends far beyond the classroom. The experience will allow you to interact with the global community, expand your worldview, and increase your cultural awareness. We want students to know how to effectively serve Christ in a global context. Other benefits include the opportunity to learn about another culture firsthand, start to learn an entirely new language or improve your skills in one you have already studied while creating memories and friendships to last a lifetime. You can also travel to fulfill foundations and/or major requirements, and develop new intellectual pursuits, skills, and perspectives. On the other hand, by experiencing a culture different from your own, you are likely to gain a new understanding of your way of life.

Early planning is the key to successful study abroad. Asbury offers 12 semester abroad opportunities along with multiple travel courses every year; they differ in location, curriculum, degree of cultural immersion, deadlines, and cost. In order to find the program that is the right “fit” for your objectives, you should begin planning your study abroad as soon as you have interest. Come to the Catalyst 2 office to discuss your options and objectives, or contact us.

No! Our study abroad programs are taught in English. However, studying aboard is a great way to enhance your language skills or begin learning a new language in an immersive context. Some programs do require a certain level of foreign language skills, depending on the course availability. Additionally, if you are studying abroad as a foreign language major or minor, there may be options to take classes in your specified language.

Yes. Some scholarship money is available. Please contact us for more information. Also, financial aid can typically be applied to study abroad programs. For questions about how financial aid can apply to an education abroad program students should contact the AU Financial Aid at financial.aid@asbury.edu to schedule an appointment with questions regarding aid and education abroad.

The housing options vary depending on which program is chosen. Options can include apartments, residential halls, homestays, and hotels.

Yes. A variety of general education courses and electives are offered within most study abroad programs.

Credits taken abroad can be applied to your major, minor, elective, or foundations requirements. Students will need to talk to their Academic Advisor, Department Chair, or the Registrar to identify specific courses that could be substituted into their required course list. All semester abroad participants will complete a course approval process as part of the required documentation submitted to the Office of Global Initiatives & Programs.

Asbury University has programs designed for students who have already studied at least 1 year on-campus, although remember that applications are sometimes due 6-12 months in advance of departure. In order to study abroad with Asbury University, you must have maintained a GPA of at least 2.5.

Employers increasingly seek graduates who have international experience. International knowledge, cross-cultural communication skills, flexibility, resilience, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances are skills enhanced through study abroad that are important to employers in various fields.
Some statistics: Study Abroad students are twice as likely to find a job within 12 months of graduation, when only 49% of college graduates found employment in the same period.
1. Study Abroad students have reported 25% higher salaries than those college graduates who do not study abroad
2. 84% of study abroad alumni felt their studies abroad helped them build valuable skills for the job market
3. 80% of study abroad students reported that study abroad allowed them to adapt better to diverse work environments.

It is possible to plan a study abroad experience for a summer, semester, and sometimes, a full academic year. There are even some opportunities to use a semester abroad as a chance to complete student teaching or practicum requirements. You can study abroad as early as the summer after your freshman year if you are interested in a short-term program like Travel Courses or Service Learning Trips.

Remember that if you want your study abroad experience to count toward your CCE 150EX, you must take the CCE150 course (1 credit hour) BEFORE you go.

It is advantageous to undertake study abroad in your sophomore year when you still have many foundation requirements available and/or you haven’t yet completed a large portion of the courses in your majors/minors. The majority of the courses you will complete during a semester abroad will be foundations requirements, unless the program is directly correlated to your area of study (i.e. a French, Art, or History major spends a semester in Paris; an Education major student teaches in Thailand). The rarity of finding a semester program that directly correlates to your major can make semesters abroad later in your college career challenging. The rarity of finding a semester program that directly correlates to your major can make studying abroad challenging later in your college career. If you have planned and “saved” specific Foundations courses for your study abroad experience, you have more flexibility when you travel. Again, please contact us early to make plans for a semester abroad.

Finally, we do NOT recommend that you study abroad during your final term at AU. It takes approximately 8-12 weeks (and sometimes longer) to receive an international transcript and, therefore, it is generally not possible to graduate in the same term as your education abroad program.

The possibilities for study abroad are abundant! Before researching programs you will want to make some preliminary decisions as to the type of experience you want to have. Start by realistically assessing your academic and personal preparation and your objectives. Consider the following questions to help you think about the kind of study abroad experience that would be the right “fit” for you.

Where do you want to go? Why?
Do you want to study in a less-developed or more-developed country?
Do you want to be in a big city or a small town/rural area?

What do you want or need to study to meet your academic objectives?
Are there specific academic requirements that you need to fulfill during study abroad?
Do you want the majority of your coursework in English, or are you fluent enough in language to take classes in that language?
Are you interested in taking courses on the language and culture of the host country?
What do you want or need to study to meet personal objectives?

To what extent do you wish to integrate yourself into the host culture?
How much contact do you want with other American students?
Would you feel more comfortable with the services of a resident director or are you confident you can handle problems on your own?
Do you prefer to participate in planned excursions included in the program or to arrange your own sightseeing and travel?

Living Arrangements
Do you want to live in a university dormitory?
Would you prefer to live in an apartment?
Do you want to live with other Americans or with local students?
Do you want to live with a local family?

Does your GPA qualify you for the program? Minimum GPA requirements vary from 2.5 – 3.0 or higher, depending on the program. (If you have a tough semester, there is also a petition process for the GPA requirement.)
Do you have the language skills required for the program?
Do you have time to apply before the application deadline?

How long do you want to study abroad (academic year, semester, summer, special short term program)?

Yes, you can! Generally, all financial aid awards, including loans, grants, and scholarships, are applicable to AU approved study abroad programs as long as you are enrolled in courses abroad that are required for your degree.
Keep in mind that the cost of participation in a study abroad program depends on a host of factors and these should be taken into consideration as you select the program that is right for you. These factors include the type of study program, duration of program, location, cost of living in host country, exchange rates, etc. Students may not receive financial aid and/or scholarships to cover the full cost of the selected study abroad program. Most students combine financial aid, scholarships, and personal funds to pay for their program costs.

Yes, study abroad can be integrated into most academic programs, however more options are available to students who start the process early, ask questions, meet deadlines, and are flexible about location.

No. You must pay tuition Asbury University to receive university credit, but you do not pay tuition twice.

We’d love to help!

Cross Cultural Engagement

(859) 858-3511

Shannon Montgomery
Coordinator for Cross Cultural Engagement
Phone Extension: 2524
Kim Okesson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Communication
Cross-Cultural Engagement Director
Ashley DeMichael, M.A.
Director of Global Initiatives & Programs