Asbury Alumni Share Finals Week Tips – Asbury University
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Asbury Alumni Share Finals Week Tips

May 7, 2019

Caffeine-fueled study sessions, a packed-out library and Late Night Breakfast can mean only one thing — it’s Finals Week at Asbury University! While students are preparing for and taking exams this week, Asbury’s campus is filled with a flurry of activity as students finish out the semester.

In order to help alleviate the stress of exams, Asbury alumni sent in their best finals study tips on social media.

 “I know it’s easy to binge on caffeine and sugar, but your brain will thank you for water and real food!” – Rebecca Wallace ’12 Vaughn

“Make yourself a short study guide. Read it right before the test, try not to cram the night before and get good sleep.” – Brittany Eggenburg ’09 Smith

 “Teach someone else the material! You’ll remember things better for your own test.” – Mary Stricklin ‘15 Lytle

“Study with another person or groups.” – Tommy Stringer ‘79

“When you are reading, stop and ask yourself what you just read. Make sure you understand it.” – Jessie Amstutz ’67 Webster 

“Know the way you learn and do things that benefit you. For example, if you are a visual learner, skip the study groups – especially if you don’t remember what you hear.” – Vannesa Hamblin ’81 Fletcher

“Only approach roommates, best friends and significant others with food. Do not engage in any relationship discussions.” – Sarah McColley ’01 Harlow

 “Accept the things you cannot change.” – Zack Sparks ‘17

“It’s essential to approach life with lightness. When things get busy and stressful, like during Finals Week, it can be easy to forget that. Take a study break to watch a funny sitcom or laugh with friends. Life is short and so is Finals Week.” – Alexa Goins ’16

“This too shall pass.” – Rene Sawders ’14 Porchowsky

At Asbury, students have access to a number of academic resources to help them get through the oftentimes stressful week. Kinlaw Library houses the Center for Academic Excellence and the Writing Center, where students can get tutoring or help sprucing up essays during Finals Week and all year round.

Asbury students enjoy partaking in Finals Week traditions like Late Night Breakfast, a student-favorite event on May 7, wherein faculty and staff serve a variety of delectable breakfast foods in the Z.T. Johnson Cafeteria. Students also have the chance to destress by playing with visiting therapy dogs in Kinlaw Library.

Please join us in praying for our students as they take exams this week and prepare to finish out the spring semester.