Easter Blessing – Asbury University
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Easter Blessing

April 18, 2019

a hand reaching outThere is a certain stillness to the Easter celebration. Perhaps because adequate words escape us, thus we remain speechless; perhaps because we cannot grasp the depth of love whereby One “so loved the world that He gave His only Son…” for all; or perhaps it is just in humble reverence we quietly bow in submission before our Risen Lord. Whatever the impetus, we are invited: “Be still, and know that I am God.”

As you reflect on the death of Christ and His glorious resurrection this weekend, pauseā€”be still before him. May you sense God calling you apart from the hustle and bustle of the routine. May you encounter the power of the cross and Jesus Christ resurrected in a way that washes over you with stillness and rest. As you meditate on the depth of His love and sacrifice, may you be mindful of His voice calling you, inviting you to rest in His presence. He is Risen!

Dr. Sandra C. Gray
Asbury University