Asbury Announces Hiring of New Provost – Asbury University
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Asbury Announces Hiring of New Provost

September 27, 2018

Timothy WoosterWILMORE, Ky. – Asbury University President Sandra C. Gray announced Thursday that Dr. Timothy Wooster, currently serving as provost and chief executive officer of Eastern Nazarene College, will assume the role of provost at Asbury, beginning Jan. 1, 2019. 

With deep roots in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, Wooster brings a breadth of experience, deep understanding and passion for Christian higher education.

“I am excited to welcome Dr. Wooster and his family to Asbury and to our community,” Gray said. “Both Dr. Wooster and I see his appointment as an answer to our regular and fervent prayers for the next provost at Asbury.”

As provost, Wooster will serve as Asbury’s senior academic officer with responsibility to oversee curriculum, manage budgets, foster innovation and support faculty. He will serve a critical role in Asbury’s continuing commitment to academic excellence. With skill in higher education as an educator and administrator, Wooster is well-positioned for this role.

Wooster completed his undergraduate degree in chemistry and his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry. His teaching career includes work as a chemistry professor and research consultant. His administrative experience is broad, with titles including honors program director, director of institutional research and retention, associate dean for academic affairs, vice president for enrollment and institutional research, academic dean, provost, chief operating officer and chief executive officer. 

Wooster met Gray through Dr. William Crothers, who served as president of Asbury from 2006-07. During Wooster’s initial conversations with Gray, he recognized the value of her exemplary leadership and fervency for the institution she leads.

“There was an authenticity and vibrancy in her presence and representation of the University,” Wooster said. “Her passion and commitment encouraged me to learn more about Asbury. I resonated with her commitment to academic excellence and spiritual vitality.”

Wooster felt God’s clear leading in this transition, and he looks forward to engaging with the Asbury community. 

“I had a time of deep and humble contemplation before the Lord,” Wooster said. “I was not looking to leave Eastern Nazarene College; however, the Lord was clear in His call to pursue this appointment. At ENC I had the privilege of working in a dedicated community with a wholehearted commitment to transformational change in students. That is exactly what I have recognized in the people I met at Asbury. Their love for each other and their mission is evident. The Asbury community spoke to my soul. I am eager to see how I can best serve and promote the University’s clear commitment to holiness, stewardship and academic excellence.”

Wooster and his wife, Elizabeth, have two children (Luke and Ruth) who recently graduated from college.