It’s Tax season, but it’s always the season for Good Stewardship – Asbury University
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It’s Tax season, but it’s always the season for Good Stewardship

April 2, 2018

Learn more about giving appreciated securities and IRA charitable rollovers.

When donors give appreciated securities to a non-profit institution like Asbury, they can avoid paying capital gains taxes on the increased value of the security in addition to receiving a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of the security.

Additionally, donors who own an IRA and who are older than 70½ can take advantage of rollover incentives. Donors can transfer up to $100,000 from their IRA to Asbury without claiming increased income or paying additional tax. IRA rollovers also lower donors’ taxable income, which can offer significant tax benefits. To discuss gift options, contact Asbury’s Planned Giving Office at (859) 858-3511 x2707, or email

“These incentives provide an outstanding opportunity to practice good stewardship,” said Dr. Mark Troyer, vice president for Institutional Advancement and Strategic Partnerships at Asbury. “We can’t know what the future will bring, but we do know that the current environment is highly advantageous for these types of gifts, and we encourage donors to talk to their financial advisors about how they can be the best stewards of their resources.”

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