Equine Center FAQs – Asbury University
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Equine Center FAQs

▾ Can I bring my horse with me to Asbury University?

Yes, equine major/minor students can board their horse at the Asbury University Equine facilities. There are two types of board available: stall/pasture and stall/private paddock. Contact the Equine Program for prices and availability.

▾ Do I have to own a horse to be in the equine program?

No, the University provides horses and all equipment needed for riding and classes.

▾ If I do not have a car, how do I get to the farm?

The equine facility is located two miles from the main campus. A van is available for transportation for requested classes. Outside of class, you can usually find another student with a car heading out to the farm.

▾ Is there an extra fee to take equine classes?

Yes, there are nominal additional course fees for all classes involving horses.

▾ Are there any internship opportunities?

Yes, all students in the equine program are required to complete an internship. The location of this internship does not have to take place in Kentucky, but must be arranged before the internship takes place and credit is given.

▾ Are there work opportunities at the farm while in university?

Yes, equine students who qualify for work-study can be employed at the farm throughout the school year or in other locations on campus. We may not have enough work for all students requesting work-study hours on the farm.  There may be work opportunities available during the weeks of our summer programs.

▾ Is the riding English or Western style?

We have beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes that use both disciplines. Students may ride according to their individual interest.

▾ Are there ministry opportunities using horses?

Yes, we have several programs that use horses in ministry such as the Providence School (EAGALA) program and Jessamine Connection (special needs adults).