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Asbury Student Life Vice President Publishes Outpouring Book

Baldwin shares personal experiences from February 2023

February 27, 2024

Rev. Dr. Sarah Thomas ’93 Baldwin

What would you do if God showed up when you least expected it? Rev. Dr. Sarah Thomas ’93 Baldwin reflects on this question in her new book titled: Generation Awakened: An Eyewitness Account of the Powerful Outpouring of God at Asbury.

“Jesus poured love out upon our students, and it overflowed into Wilmore, the region, the United States and the world,” she said. “Generation Z did awaken to the presence of Jesus at the altar and through simple worship, scripture reading, testimony, and freedom from sin. As we responded with testimonies, joyful worship, restoration of relationships, and repentance, the love of God immersed us.”

The book is the story of her experience during the 16 days of the Outpouring in 2023. Written in memoir style, Baldwin shares how she saw God move among Asbury students and eventually the world. Her hope and heart are that it bears witness to the goodness of God, God’s love on this generation of young adults and beyond, and the expectancy and hunger of people for Jesus.

On Feb. 8, 2023, what began as a routine Wednesday morning Chapel service with the student body turned into a multiweek Outpouring that some have described as a revival. Led by students, the services attracted college students from hundreds of other colleges and universities, beginning as soon as Wednesday evening.

News of the continuous services spread around the world and attracted people to Wilmore from as far away as Russia and Japan. Media outlets arrived en masse to cover the spiritual awakening among young people. Countless reports of life change, salvation, and re-dedications to Christ were some of the amazing results. Asbury staff, faculty, students and volunteers worked tirelessly to welcome the visitors to campus. Since then, the community has worked to share what God did and spread the Gospel and testimonies of life change. Asbury’s pastoral care staff is working to disciple and mentor students impacted through the Outpouring.

After graduating from Asbury University, Baldwin received her M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary and her D.Min. from George Fox University. She joined Asbury University as the Vice President of Student Life in 2014 after serving for nine years in spiritual life at George Fox University.

The book will be available on May 7, 2024, and readers can pre-order here. Visit to hear special episodes of the This Is Asbury podcast that share more Outpouring stories from the Asbury community.