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Asbury Announces Class of 2027 Identity

June 22, 2023

Asbury University is happy to announce the class name, verse, sponsors, and advisors for incoming freshmen. The Beloved Class of 2027 takes its name from John 17:23: “I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me” (New Living Translation). With a logo inspired by the story of the prodigal son (John 10), the Beloved class colors include black, beige, and crimson red.

“When I heard the idea of the name ‘Beloved,’ I knew deeply that this name came from the heart of God,” said Vice President of Student Life & Dean of Students Dr. Sarah Baldwin. “Even as we anticipate welcoming one of the largest classes in Asbury’s history, my prayer is that the Beloved Class will receive the love of God and will experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus together during their years at Asbury.”

Incoming class sponsors – Amanda Hobbs ’24 and Andrew Seamands ‘24 — have begun their work to welcome the Beloved Class.

“We are so excited and expectant for this class,” said Hobbs. “They are covered in prayer, and we are excited to share how their class identity is aligned with the love that their Heavenly Father has for them!”

The Beloved class sponsors mentor, challenge, and walk with new students as they begin to live out their college years. Along with faculty and staff advisors, senior sponsors offer freshmen a unique perspective and guidance.  

“I am excited to live life with this new class,” said Seamands. “My fellow sponsor, Amanda, is kind, encouraging, compassionate, funny, and most importantly, loves Jesus. Our hope is to watch Jesus take this class to the Father so that they know how loved and special they are.” 

“Working with Andrew has been such a joy,” beamed Hobbs. “He not only comes with bold convictions and divinely inspired ideas, but he listens well and shows how much he cares about me and these freshmen. We can’t wait to welcome these freshmen as they begin their journey here at Asbury!”

With fellow students experiencing college life alongside new Asburians, the Beloved Class advisors include Associate Professor of Education Dr. Brittany Worthen ’08 and her husband, Ryan Worthen ’03. For the next four years, the Worthens will continue to pray over and mentor the Beloved Class.

“We are incredibly honored to serve as advisors for the Beloved Class and beyond excited to be a part of memorable experiences yet to be had,” said both Brittany and Ryan. “Throughout the next four years, we hope to learn from, grow with, and encourage one another through the stories God has written in our lives. There are testimonies waiting to be shared, and we look forward to getting to know each freshman that steps foot on Asbury’s campus.”

With the fall semester on the horizon, students can customize campus visits here: Students interested in applying to Asbury University can apply here: