2014 Wesleyan Heritage Conference – Asbury University
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2014 Wesleyan Heritage Conference

“‘Love Divine, All Loves Excelling’:  Charles Wesley for the 21st Century”

September 24-26, 2014

Location:  Asbury University, Wilmore, Kentucky

Asbury University’s biennial Wesleyan Heritage Conference joins with Asbury Seminary in co-hosting the Charles Wesley Society Meeting to be held on both campuses, 9/25-27.


Scheduled activities:

Wednesday, 9/24

10 – 10:45 a.m. – Chapel – Matt Sigler, Th.D. student, Boston University
            “‘Assist Me To Proclaim’:  Charles Wesley’s Hymns for Today”
            Hughes Auditorium

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Lunch Talk-Back Session – Matt Sigler
            Dougherty Dining Room

4 – 5 p.m. – Coffee House Presentation – Matt Sigler
            “The Metrical Index and the Turn-Table:  Considering Modern Arrangements of
            Wesley’s Hymns”
            Student Center

Thursday, 9/25

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Faculty Development Luncheon Presentation – Dr. Randy Maddox,
            Duke Divinity School
            “Anticipate Our Heaven Below:  Wesleyan Precedents for Reclaiming Holistic Salvation”
            Gray Room

3:30 – 5 p.m. – Lecture – Dr. Paul Chilcote, Ashland Theological Seminary
            “All the Image of Thy Love:  Charles Wesley’s Vision of the One Thing Needful”
            Kinlaw Board Room

Friday, 9/26

10 – 10:45 a.m. – Chapel – Dr. Lester Ruth, Duke Divinity School
            “Music, God’s Presence, and the Hem of His Garment”
            Hughes Auditorium

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Lunch Talk-Back Session – Dr. Lester Ruth
            Dougherty Dining Room



Matthew Sigler


MATTHEW SIGLER is a PhD candidate in liturgical studies at Boston University where his work has focused on the history of Methodist worship as well as lyrical theology. In 2007, he co-produced and composed several selections for “Prisoners of Hope,” a collection of modern arrangements of many of Charles Wesley’s hymns. Matt has served for the past twelve years as a music minister in the church. He currently teaches at Southwestern College as a visiting scholar and is the interim campus minister.
Randy Maddox RANDY MADDOX is the William Kellon Quick Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies at the Divinity School, Duke University.  His scholarly interest focuses on the theology of John and Charles Wesley and theological developments in the later Methodist/Wesleyan tradition. In addition to numerous articles he is author of Responsible Grace: John Wesley’s Practical Theology, a contributor to Wesley and the Quadrilateral, and editor of Aldersgate ReconsideredRethinking Wesley’s Theology for Contemporary MethodismThe Cambridge Companion to John Wesley, and Volume 12 of The Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley. Dr. Maddox also headed the project making all of the verse of Charles Wesley available in an online edition at the website for the Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition at DDS.

Maddox holds the B.A. degree from Northwest Nazarene College, the M.Div. degree from Nazarene Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in theological studies from Emory University.  He is an ordained elder in the Dakotas Conference of The United Methodist Church.  He is the Institute Secretary of the Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies, and Associate General Editor of the John Wesley Works Editorial Project. He has also served as President of the Wesleyan Theological Society, Co-chair of the Wesley Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion, and General Editor of the Kingswood Books Imprint of Abingdon Press.


Paul Chilcote PAUL CHILCOTE is Academic Dean and Professor of Historical Theology & Wesleyan Studies at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ohio. He has been involved in theological education on three Continents, serving as a missionary, with his wife, Janet, in Kenya and as a charter faculty member of Africa University in Zimbabwe. Dr. Chilcote previously served as Nippert Professor of Church History & Wesleyan Studies at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and helped to launch the Dunnam Campus of Asbury Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He has also taught as a visiting professor at Duke University Divinity School. Chilcote is the author or editor of nearly twenty books, the most recent of which include The Works of John Wesley: Doctrinal and Controversial Treatises, Volume 13 (Abingdon), The Imitation of Christ (SkyLight Paths), John and Charles Wesley (SkyLight Paths), Making Disciples in a World Parish (Pickwick Pub.), Praying in the Wesleyan Spirit (Upper Room Books), Recapturing the Wesleys’ Vision (InterVarsity Press), Early Methodist Spirituality (Kingswood Books), and The Study of Evangelism (Eerdmans).

He has served as President of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education and President of The Charles Wesley Society. A strong advocate of ecumenical relations, he has served on several international conversations, including the World Methodist Council/World Baptist Alliance Dialogue as co-chair. He enjoys a special relationship with Mt. Angel Abbey in Oregon as a Benedictine Oblate. He directs the Doctor of Ministry track at Ashland Theological Seminary in Wesleyan Practices. Christians for Biblical Equality honored him with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013. Dr. Chilcote is a frequent speaker and workshop leader in applied Wesleyan studies, particularly in the areas of spirituality, worship, discipleship, and mission/evangelism. His wife, Janet, is a clergy member of the Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church, serves Paradise Hill United Methodist Church as pastor in Ashland, Ohio, and speaks regularly as an advocate of children orphaned by AIDS in Africa. They have five daughters, one grand-daughter and a two grandsons.


Lester Ruth LESTER RUTH is Research Professor of Christian Worship at Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC.  Prior to teaching, he served several pastoral appointments in the Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.  His doctorate in worship history is from the University of Notre Dame.  He teaches, too, in the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in Orange Park, Florida.


For information and reservations for the CWS 2014 Annual Meeting, please visit their site at:
