2008 Wesleyan Heritage Conference – Asbury University
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2008 Wesleyan Heritage Conference

“Law and Grace in the Wesleyan Tradition” – October 6-8, 2008

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5:17)


Monday, October 6

10 a.m. Chapel with Dr. Chris Bounds
Theme: “Christ and the Law”
Hughes Auditorium

4 p.m. Forum with Dr. Chris Bounds

Tuesday, October 7

11 a.m. Faculty Luncheon with Dr. Christine Pohl
Theme: “The Example of Christ”
Gray Room, Dining Hall

8 p.m.Bonhoeffer Film and Discussion

Wednesday, October 8

10 a.m. Chapel with Dr. Daryl Diddle
Theme: “The Spirit of Christ”
Hughes Auditorium

6 p.m. Faculty Banquet with Dr. Daryl Diddle
Gray Room, Dining Hall


Dr. Chris Bounds

  • Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Indiana Wesleyan University
  • Graduate of Asbury College, Asbury Theological Seminary, Drew University (M.Phil. and Ph.D.)
  • Active speaker and writer
  • Author of The Doctrine of Christian Perfection in the Ante-Nicene Fathers and A Brief Guide to the Nicene Creed

Dr. Christine Pohl

  • Professor of Social Ethics, Asbury Theological Seminary
  • Graduate of Syracuse University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Emory University (Ph.D.)
  • Publications include Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition; Living on the Boundaries: Evangelical Women, Feminism, and the Theological Academy; Practices that Make and Break Community
  • Serves on the Board of Directors for the Society of Christian Ethics

Dr. Daryl Diddle

  • Senior pastor of Wilmore Free Methodist Church since 2004
  • Graduate of Grove City College (B.A.), Asbury Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ed.D.)