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Great Commission Congress 2015

GCC Logo 2015-16

“Until the Whole World Hears” – October 26-30, 2015

“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!'” – Romans 10:14-15



Monday, October 26

10 a.m. – Chapel – Shawn Casselberry “God’s Heart for the World”
Noon – Talkback Lunch with Shawn Casselberry
7 p.m. – Stories of the Underground Church

Wednesday, October 28

10 a.m. – Chapel – Dr. Doug Carter “The Power of Partnership”
11 a.m. – 5 p.m. – Mission Expo Bash
Noon – Leadership Lunch with Dr. Doug Carter

Thursday, October 29

 7 p.m. – Night of Global Prayer

Friday, October 30

 10 a.m. – Chapel – Dr. JoAnne Lyon “The Gospel Is Bearing Fruit and Growing”


Funds contributed during the week of Great Commission Congress 2015 will be donated to the European Refugee Crisis in conjunction with Samaritan’s Purse.


Shawn Casselberry

Executive Director, Mission Year

Shawn Casselberry is a passionate advocate for God’s justice, author of God Is In the City: Encounters of Grace and Transformation, and Executive Director for Mission Year, a leading national Christian ministry that invites 18-29 year olds to pursue a lifestyle of loving God and loving people in the city. Trained in Kingian non-violence and community organizing, he actively works for peace and reconciliation in the city.

Casselberry has a passion for mentoring young adults and mobilizing the church around issues of racial and economic justice, particularly issues of mass incarceration and youth violence. As a drum instructor and mentor, he is part of a community drumline for youth with incarcerated loved ones in Chicago.  As an ordained minister,  he speaks all across the country at colleges, churches and conferences, calling people to love God and love their neighbors.

Casselberry has a Master’s Degree in World Missions from Asbury Theological Seminary and is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry degree in Building Beloved Community from McCormick Theological Seminary. He has been married to his wife, Jen, for 14 years and lives in the North Lawndale neighborhood on Chicago’s west side.


Doug CarterDR. DOUG CARTER –
Senior Vice President, EQUIP Leadership, Inc.

Dr. Doug Carter is the Senior Vice President of EQUIP Leadership, and continues to serve as the ministry’s chief development officer. EQUIP, founded by John C. Maxwell, provides biblical leadership training, resources, and encouragement for Christian leaders worldwide.  He represents EQUIP in churches and conferences across America and teaches in EQUIP leadership conferences around the world. He also serves on the board of directors of World Gospel Mission and several other organizations.

Carter and his wife, Winnie, served as missionaries to American Indians (Native Americans) for more than sixteen years. In 1980, Carter became president of Ohio Christian University (formerly Circleville Bible College) where he served nine years, helping prepare men and women for Christian service. From 1989 until he joined EQUIP in 1996, he served as Vice President of World Gospel Mission, an interdenominational mission agency with 330 career missionaries sharing the gospel in twnety-eight nations worldwide, and in February 2012, Carter was inducted into the inaugural class of EQUIP’s Leadership Hall of Fame.

Carter is the author of Big Picture People, published by Beacon Hill Press. This book is a vital resource for Christians who want to press beyond mediocrity and rise to excellence in their faith. His book, Raising More Than Money, published by Thomas Nelson, is a textbook on biblical giving, ministry funding, and Kingdom partnership.

He and Winnie reside in Atlanta. They are the parents of three children–Angie, Eric, and Jason–and the proud grandparents of four.


Jo Anne Lyon

General Superintendent, The Wesleyan Church

Rev. Dr. Jo Anne Lyon is the General Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church and serves on the board of directors of many organizations as representative of The Wesleyan Church including the National Association of Evangelicals Executive Committee, Christian Community Development Association, National Religious Partnership for the Environment, Asbury Theological Seminary Board, Council on Faith of the World Economic Forum, President of the United States Advisory Council of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and as an ex-officio member for all Wesleyan Institutions of Higher Education.

Lyon holds a Master’s degree in Counseling, continued graduate studies in Historical Theology, and has been granted five honoary doctorates. She has written several articles and publications, including the book The Ultimate Blessing and has served more than 30 years in pastoral ministry.  She has served as Adjunct Professor of Church and Society at both Indiana Wesleyan University and Asbury Theological Seminary. As the founder and CEO of World Hope International (Alexandria, VA), she directed the faith-based relief and development organizations into more than 30 countries to alleviate suffering and injustice.

Lyon and her husband, Rev. Wayne Lyon, live in the Indianapolis area. They have four children and ten grandchildren.






“Great Commission Congress Wraps Up at Asbury”

October 29, 2015
WILMORE, KY – Every year, Asbury University sets aside a week for students to focus on the lifestyle of the Great Commission.  Students are motivated and equipped to be witnesses for Christ wherever they are called to go.

This year’s theme, “Until the Whole World Hears,” was focused on verses from Romans 10:14-15, which states, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!'”

This week has been overflowing with inspiring messages on how God can radically change a person’s heart and transform entire communities.  It began with Monday’s Chapel speaker, Shawn Casselberry, who spoke on issues of racial and economic justice. Flags of every represented nation from the student body were beautifully displayed in Hughes Auditorium.

Dr. Doug Carter, senior vice president of EQUIP and Wednesday morning’s Chapel speaker stated, “[Asbury is] an institution that God has used so mightily across the decades in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth. Is it any wonder that Asburians literally circle the globe? And not only are they in every state of our nation, but in all nations of the world, on the very front lines–the cutting edge of spreading the Gospel.”

The Mission Expo Bash was held Wednesday evening, which enabled students to explore opportunitites thorugh several missions organizations to live out the Great Commission.  Global prayer was held Thursday night, and the week will close with the message from General Superintendent Dr. JoAnn Lyon during Chapel on Firday.

Senior Chelsea Bartlett has nothing but praise for this annual event. “Great Commission Congress is such an inspirational week on campus,” she said. “From the moment the flags are brought in on Monday morning, the energy on campus changes. People become more aware of the impact we can have as Asbury students internationally!  It has been a beautiful week of embracing and enjoying the cultures that fill and impact Asbury.”