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Great Commission Congress 2010


“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, NIV)

Schedule of Events:

Monday, November 1
10:00 am Chapel — Speaker: Oreon Trickey – “Creating a Welcoming Space for Others”
11:30 am Talk Back Session with Oreon Trickey
6:30 pm Evening Worship — Speaker: Oreon Trickey

Tuesday, November 2
11:30 am Workshop: Kentucky Refugee Ministries
5:45 pm A Great Commission Experience: Going into our Jerusalem to serve

Wednesday, November 3
10:00 am Chapel — Speaker: Lisa L. Thompson – “Quick to Plunder, Swift to Spoil”
6:30 pm Evening Worship — Speaker: Lisa L. Thompson

Thursday, November 4
11:30 am Workshops: Mission Year & Keynote
6:30 pm Panel Presentation
Dr. Paul Rader, The Salvation Army
Mr. Chris Needham, The Salvation Army
Mrs. Dabney Parker, Kentucky Refugee Ministries
Mr. Geoff Maddock, Communality

Friday, November 5
10:00 am Chapel — Speaker: Dr. Paul Rader – “Being Ready to Respond to God’s Call”

Prayer Gatherings: Monday & Wednesday — 6:00 pm
Tuesday — 4:30 pm
Thursday — 6:00 pm


Offering Focus:

During the week we will be raising funds to go towards the work of Kentucky Refugee Ministries.


Organizations serving in both the United States and around the world were invited to campus to provide opportunities for students to explore how and where they can live out the Great Commission — whether by fulfilling a cross-cultural requirement or simply fulfilling a passion. Students were encouraged to take time and talk with these representatives, who were available in the dining hall during meal hours beginning Wednesday lunch through Friday lunch.

Advancing Native Missions
English Language Institute / China
Foundation in Christ Ministries
GO International
Interact Ministries
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
Kids Alley
Middle East Christian Outreach
Mission Year
New Hope International
OMS International
S.E.N.D. International
The Salvation Army
WEC International
World Gospel Mission
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Speaker Bios:

Oreon Trickey:
/’ore-ee-in/ Anglo-Saxon origin
• A very tall, blues guitar playing woman who lives in Chicago
• One who writes songs and poems, and occasionally records music
• Someone who has been in ministry since 1973
• An ordained minister on staff at LaSalle Street Church
• An individual who is committed to homeless folks and young adults
• One who is educated in psychology, interpersonal communication, spiritual direction and the Enneagram personality typing system
• A participant in urban ministry for 20 years
• One who enjoys good conversation, deep laughter and strong coffee
• A person who is honored to spend time with college students

Lisa Thompson:
• A person whose musical tastes include the Bee Gees, Bob Dylan, Eddie Arnold and Chopin
• An individual who likes marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches
• One who is passionate about exposing 1) the truth that sex trafficking is built directly on a foundation, and that foundation is the commercial sex industry, 2) that the commercial sex industry is inalterably exploitive irrespective of how people come to be involved in selling sex and 3) that God did not create any woman, man or child with the purpose of being a prostitute, stripper or pornographic performer
• Someone who wants to walk with God
• A participant in Bible Study Fellowship
• One who enjoys plants, flowers, gardens butterflies and clouds
• A lady who misses her home state of Kentucky
• An aunt to an incredible nephew, Michael, and a “mom” to two cats, Noodle and Macaroni

Dr. Paul Rader:
• An officer in The Salvation Army for 38 years and promoted to the rank of general in 1994, becoming the first American-born international leader of The Salvation Army
• Training officer, principal, pastor and professor in Seoul, Korea, for 20 years
• President of Asbury University from 2000-06, as well as a member of the A.U. Board of Trustees for 11 years
• A graduate of Asbury University (B.A.), Asbury Theological Seminary (B.D.), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Th.), and Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Miss.), and the recipient of four honorary doctorate degrees

Workshop Presenters:

  • Kentucky Refugee Ministries is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resettlement services to refugees through faith and agency-based co-sponsorship in order to promote self-sufficiency and successful integration into our community. KRM is committed to offering access to community resources and opportunities and to promoting awareness of diversity for the benefit of the whole community.
  • Mission Year is a year-long program where Christian young people live in an urban neighborhood volunteering, worshiping and loving their neighbors. It is an opportunity for anyone 18 and over, both single and married, to spend a year following Jesus’ command to “Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself.” By partnering with a local church, volunteering at a service site and spending time with neighbors, Mission Year team members effectively impact their communities while catching a deeper vision for what the kingdom of God is like.
  • Keynote is the creative arts ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, bringing the message of hope through innovative resources, screen-based ministry, performing arts, film and communication training. Keynote exists to break new ground and help other ministries reach their world for Christ by offering resources and forming strategic partnerships.

Press Release:

GCC Returns to Asbury

October 11, 2010

WILMORE, KY—More than a century ago, Asbury students wanted to maintain a year-round focus on the Great Commission Lifestyle, so on a few cool days in November of 1908, they held what was then called the Missionary Rally.

Hoping to maintain that same focus on campus, in the local community and around the world, Asbury University continues the annual event Nov. 1-5 with the 102nd Great Commission Congress (held on the Asbury campus).

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” — Matthew 28:19-20

Committed to motivating, equipping and mobilizing Christians — individually and corporately — the GCC’s mission is to fulfill the Great Commission mandate in our generation. Its prayerful outcomes include an increase in Great Commission-centered thinking and actions on campus through consistent prayer, stewardship and daily witness. The GCC also hopes to facilitate a growing wave of students, faculty, staff, administration and alumni participating in short-term missions.

This year’s GCC continues the tradition of having quality speakers and organizations, most of which are familiar to the Asbury community. In fact, a former Asbury president — Dr. Paul Rader — will be speaking at Chapel in Hughes Auditorium during the event and he’ll participate in a panel discussion in the Student Center on Nov. 4.

Other Chapel speakers through the week will include Oreon Trickey (LaSalle Street Church in Chicago) and Lisa L. Thompson (The Salvation Army). Trickey is an ordained minister and has been a participant in urban ministry for more than 20 years. Thompson is the liaison for the abolition of sexual trafficking for The Salvation Army USA national headquarters.

In addition to speakers at Chapel Nov. 1, Nov. 3 and Nov. 5, both Trickey and Thompson will speak during evening worships (Nov. 1 and Nov. 3) and there will be workshops directed by Kentucky Refugee Ministries (Nov. 2) and Mission Year/Keynote (Nov. 4).

To help facilitate student involvement, representatives from a variety of mission agencies will be on campus during the week and will be available in the dining hall beginning with lunch Nov. 3 through lunch on Nov. 5. Agencies with representation this year include:

Advancing Native Missions; English Language Institute China; Foundation in Christ Ministries; GO International; Interact Ministries; Kentucky Refugee Ministries; Keynote; Kids Alley; Middle East Christian Outreach; Mission Year; New Hope International; OMS International; S.E.N.D. International; The Salvation Army; WEC International; World Gospel Mission; Wycliffe Bible Translators; Youthworks.