Wednesday, December 20, 2023 — #32: A Conversation Among Presidents
President Emeritus Dr. Sandra Gray joins President Dr. Kevin Brown to discuss vision, legacy and all things Asbury.
Welcome to the official podcast of Asbury University!
The newly relaunched Asbury podcast is produced primarily by students and features succinct and impactful God-honoring conversations that inform, edify and encourage.
Like the liberal arts approach used by our incredible faculty in the classroom, This Is Asbury explores culture and current topics through a Christian worldview, promoting a well balanced life. You can expect to hear guests ranging from faculty, staff, students, alumni and special guests.
No matter where you’re listening, our intent is that this platform will empower our community to belong, become and be set apart.
Visit the Asbury podcast page, featuring Asbury Chapel services
This Is Asbury is produced by Emily Hurt ’24 and hosted by Abby Laub. Editing by Jeremy Simmons ’18, Brendan Tighe ’24, Alixandra Stiefel ’20 and John Teoh ’25. Researcher, Writer, Editor: Madison Anderson ’23. Graphics by Austin Zweifel ’20. Content Advisor and Faculty Liaison: Jeremy Simmons ’18. Music by Professor of Media Communication/Audio Barry Blair.
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President Emeritus Dr. Sandra Gray joins President Dr. Kevin Brown to discuss vision, legacy and all things Asbury.
Coach Chad Mayes leads a mission organization and coaches basketball.
Dr. Paul Nesselroade hosts theologian Dr. Carl Trueman.
A conversation on faith, family and career with TV personality and AU MBA graduate.
Songs of the Season director and AU music professor Dr. Nathan Miller discusses the power of sound.
Passion creates greater work ethic, with Madison Anderson '23
Philosopher Dr. Brandon Rickabaugh with Asbury's Dr. Paul Nesselroade
Student Kaitlyn McCracken discusses emerging technology.
Journalist Cal Thomas talks work, faith and media with Prof. Rich Manieri.
Dr. Cheryll Crowe '03 Johnson shares how math reflects God.
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