High School Students Experience Asbury During Fall Preview – Asbury University
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High School Students Experience Asbury During Fall Preview

November 8, 2018

This November, Asbury University’s Fall Preview events offer high school juniors and seniors an authentic experience of life at Asbury (Nov. 8-9 and Nov. 29-30).

Learn more and register for upcoming events!

Fall Preview events are more than just a campus tour. Students can choose from an array of class options in the area of their interest, eat meals in the dining hall with current students, spend a night in the residence halls and worship alongside Asbury’s student body during Chapel in the historic Hughes Auditorium. The event kicks off in the sweetest of ways with free milkshakes from the Hiccup Café in the Student Center.

Preview Events also feature special sessions for parents, including a financial aid seminar wherein staff from Asbury’s Financial Aid department speak with parents about the different options available that can help make an Asbury education even more affordable for their student. With scholarships offered for 100 percent of the incoming Fall 2019 class, parents can rest assured that Asbury will work to provide their student with the best financial aid package possible.

Associate Director of Admissions Kim Okesson notes that these events are a fun way for prospective students to dip their toes into college life while giving them the information they need to seriously consider a college education at Asbury.

“Students who come to campus alone have an immediate group to spend time with as they check out Asbury,” said Okesson. “Students from out of state can meet people from their home area who are also visiting Asbury. Local students get the extra bonus of meeting people from all over the nation who have Asbury at the top of their college list. We do all we can to showcase the University. Besides that, it is really fun!  We laugh a lot, answer tons of questions, and give students space to look at Asbury and see if it is a good fit for them. Preview events are a great combination of fun student life and serious college searching.”

Both parents and students can come to campus confident that they’ll get all of their questions answered. Students can speak one-on-one with faculty and staff from a wide variety of campus departments at the Academic Fair.

“Preview Events are a great overview of campus,” said Mallary Wiley, associate director of Undergraduate Admissions and coordinator for Campus Visits and Events. “We do an Academic Fair at every Preview Event which includes a representative from every academic department on campus, as well as representatives from multiple offices around campus. This fair is great for undecided students or students deciding between a couple of majors. It’s a great one-stop shop for getting lots of campus questions answered.”

Can’t make it to one of the Preview Events this November? Register online for one of the Spring Preview Events, held on March 7-8 and March 28-29.

Learn more about Preview Events.