Journeying with Jesus – Asbury University
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Journeying with Jesus

March 6, 2023

Joe Brockinton ’74

Matthew 4:19  “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

A friend invited me to join him and two other men, all 15 years younger than me, on a 14-mile hike on the Appalachian Trail.  Even though I wasn’t sure I could walk 14 miles, I accepted the challenge.  I discovered a depth of fellowship and camaraderie on the trail and it lit a desire in me to continue hiking.  Recently, I have been segment walking the Georgia portion of the AT; each time with one or more friends.  It has been a real joy to catch up with these friends, to listen to their stories and to offer words of encouragement to spur them on as they follow Jesus.

A friend and I have been talking about how walking the trail is like following Jesus.  Here are a few of our observations:

  • You want to go with someone. We don’t need to do life alone.  Having someone with you brings comfort and encouragement as well as accountability.
  • The AT is marked with white blazes on trees that help to keep you on the trail. It is important to pay attention as one doesn’t want to get lost in the woods.  Similarly, we must keep our eyes on Jesus as we follow Him lest we become distracted.
  • The trail offers a variety of terrains – ups, downs, flats, rocks and roots – just like life. It is essential to keep moving forward even if we slow down or find we need to rest.  God provides the strength for us to continue to follow Him.
  • Enjoy the trek by paying attention to the beauty around you. Choose to enjoy the abundant life Jesus offers.
  • You never know who you may meet on the journey. Be alert, they may have wisdom for you.

How are you responding to Jesus’ call to follow Him?