Asbury University Announces Fall Theatre Production – Asbury University
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Asbury University Announces Fall Theatre Production

“Voice of the Prairie” Brings Storytelling, Love and Adventure to the Stage

October 26, 2021

What does it mean to live fully alive? Asbury University’s Theatre Department captures this in their upcoming fall show, “The Voice of the Prairie”. It’s 1905 and two runaways – a young storyteller and a blind girl – grapple with love, loss and adventure riding the trains of the mid-west. Years later, the rise of 1920’s radio makes the young man a storytelling sensation as the Voice of the Prairie still in search of the girl he lost. 

Voice of the Prairie is written by John Olive and directed by Asbury Theatre Instructor Carol Anderson who says, “This is a show that’s perfect for our times. After a year and a half of pandemic, many feel they’ve been living on hold, waiting for things to change so they can return to life. Here’s a play about living the essence of life despite our circumstances and the power of storytelling to bring that life to others.”

Carissa Clark and JP Pantoja play the young Frankie and Davey and Ella Anderson and Brandon Pantoja play their adult counterparts.  JP and Brandon are brothers in real life bringing a fun sense of connection as they play the younger and older versions of Davey in the show.  Samuel Kiesling, Joshua Curry, Allyson Strathers, Riley Friend, Camryn Edge, and Brianna Bloomdahl complete the ensemble providing fun theatrical surprises with multiple casting and more.

Voice of the Prairie plays Oct 28-30 and Nov 4-6 at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets are $6 for Asbury students, faculty, staff  and seniors and $12 for general admission.  Reserve tickets online at or