Asbury Reunion Reminds Alumni that “He is Faithful” – Asbury University
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Asbury Reunion Reminds Alumni that “He is Faithful”

May 30, 2019

In just a few weeks, around 1,500 Asbury University alumni will visit campus for Reunion 2019. Staff and faculty are in the process of busily preparing for the fun and festive weekend — register by June 7!

Each year, the Reunion theme plays an important part in the celebratory weekend, sparking spiritual reflection and growth in alumni, faculty and staff. This year’s theme, “He is Faithful,” will likewise serve as a guiding light in Reunion 2019 festivities.

From Chapel services to morning devotional times, Reunion 2019 will be intentionally focused on God’s faithfulness through the ebbs and flows of life.

The corresponding theme verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:24, which states: “The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.”

When Director of Alumni Relations Lisa Falin ’90 Harper and Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Liz Stephan ’09 were dreaming up a theme, they wanted to choose something that would invoke a feeling of centeredness during a transitional time for the University.

“We were reminded of God’s faithfulness in the midst of busyness, celebration, transition, loss and even uncertainty,” Harper said. “When we look back, we can see God’s handiwork and His faithfulness. Asbury is a wonderful example of God’s faithfulness through good and hard times. And we are leaning into that truth even as we move forward, saying goodbye to Dr. Gray and welcoming a new president. We lean into His faithfulness as we welcome back alumni and friends from all walks of life.”

Dr. Mike Powers ’74, director of discipleship at Francis Asbury Society, will speak at Sunday morning’s worship service in Hughes Auditorium. Prior to his retirement, Powers served as a pastor in a variety of appointments for the United Methodist Church. For Powers, the Reunion theme is incredibly special and reminiscent of a profound moment in his own spiritual walk as an Asbury student.

“It was during the final sermon in a series of Chapel messages that Dr. Dennis Kinlaw was preaching on I Thessalonians that this phrase became more than words to me,” Powers said. “First, I heard that God is good and that He alone is worthy of our absolute trust. The second thing I heard is that God’s faithfulness and goodness demand a response from me. I can no longer simply affirm that ‘God is good, all the time.’ I must abandon my whole life – past, present, future – into His hand, His purposes, His direction. And then, I discover how good and faithful and trustworthy and praiseworthy the Lord is.”

Powers is excited to share in fellowship and encourage alumni to trust God’s faithfulness no matter what mountains and valleys they may be facing. For Powers, it is in that trust, that true joy is found.

“My prayer is that the joy of God’s full salvation in Jesus Christ will be restored in the heart of every Asbury alum,” Powers said. “Memories of praying at the altar of Hughes Auditorium are treasured moments, but those experiences were occasions when God was calling us to live every moment in the fullness of his joy and the power of Spirit in serving others in His name.”

In addition to Powers, alumni can also look forward to hearing Chapel messages from Dr. Elaine Davis ’98 Bernius, a professor of Biblical Studies at Indiana Wesleyan University, and Dr. Sandra C. Gray, Asbury University president.

Reunion 2019 will not only be a time of deep reflection on the faithfulness of God, but also a time to experience joy in reuniting with classmates, faculty and friends. Reunion 2019 activities will include class meals, celebratory fireworks and an exclusive concert from Christian quintet Veritas, among many other exciting festivities. View a complete schedule here.

Learn more about Reunion 2019 by visiting