Psychology Student Groups – Asbury University
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Psychology Student Groups

Psychology Club

The Psychology Club is open to all Asbury University students who have an interest in psychology. The Psychology Club hosts various social events, including movie nights and dessert receptions, in addition to brown bag lunches, field trips, and other programs related to Psychology. Join us for fun, fellowship, and food, all while learning a bit more about psychology.

Psi Chi Chapter

Psi Chi is THE International Honor Society in Psychology. It is an elite society, and members of Psi Chi are clearly thought to be the best and the brightest students in psychology. Membership in Psi Chi is earned and is lifelong. The Asbury University chapter of Psi Chi was founded in 1993, and our students are selected by faculty and Psi Chi student leadership as representing academic excellence, spiritual vitality, and professionalism.

Why join Psi Chi? Membership in Psi Chi communicates to both graduate schools and employers that you stand out among your peers. While our chapter works closely with our Psychology Club, Psi Chi members have some unique and enriching opportunities, including leadership, research opportunities and grants, workshops, guest lectures, meetings, and volunteer work through the local chapter and the international organization. In addition, Psi Chi members can get more involved with Asbury’s Psychology program by working closely with faculty and other students.

Eastern State Volunteer Group

This student-led ministry group includes psychology students (and a few others) who volunteer at Eastern State Hospital, an inpatient mental health facility in Lexington. Each week, students take goodies to the patients and then stay to play games with them and fellowship with them. This group has been serving the ESH patients for several years now, and in 2014 they were recognized as the Outstanding Volunteer Group by the hospital’s administration and staff.