Asbury University Launches Master’s Degree in Instructional Design, Innovation & Leadership – Asbury University
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Asbury University Launches Master’s Degree in Instructional Design, Innovation & Leadership

March 18, 2021

woman at computerWILMORE, Ky. – Asbury University has launched a Master’s in Instructional Design, Innovation and Leadership Degree which prepares graduates to enter the competitive and growing industry of instructional design. “The introduction of this degree is well-timed as corporations and educational institutions across the U.S. and world are rapidly moving to new modalities in training,” said Dr. Jim Owens, Dean of the School of Communication Arts.

As the demand for online learning continues to grow exponentially, corporations and educational institutions are searching for well-qualified instructional designers. Instructional Designers help organizations move from face-to-face workspaces to online learning and training. These skills are highly sought after, especially since the start of the global pandemic and workplaces having to shift how they communicate, teach and train employees.

Asbury alumni are positioned to meet this growing demand. “The instructors were supportive and encouraged me to think critically about how my faith influences my approach to coursework, my peers, and my community. I feel well-prepared to begin a career as an Instructional Designer,” says Carmelita Durham, Asbury alumna.

Expert faculty encourage students to develop skills in the theories of learning and design paired with the purposeful use of the latest digital educational technologies and skills for today’s modern workforce. “Our Instructional Design undergraduate students have already experienced a wide-open job market. Their placement has included corporations, educational institutions, and the military. Our graduate program will further prepare them to face and enhance the rapidly changing field of training and education,” continued Dr. Owens.

For more information on Asbury University’s Master of Arts in Instructional Design, please visit