On October 7, the Asbury University Honors Program (AUHP) held its inaugural event – the first of a three-part lecture series on human dignity and value. Dr. Chris Bounds, professor of Christian doctrine at Indiana Wesleyan University, Wesley Seminary, and former Asbury professor, gave a lecture titled “The Imago Dei, Incarnation, and Human Dignity” for 80 guests in the Kinlaw Library Boardroom at the SEARCH-sponsored event.
Bounds formulated his talk around the question, “Who are we that He is mindful of us?” He connected humanity’s identity as incarnated beings to the responsibility of creation care, specifically Christians’ duty to protect and help those in this world who are most vulnerable and likely to have their dignity stripped from them. Bounds applied the content of his lecture to the issues of abortion, immigration and capital punishment.
Dr. Paul Nesselroade, director of the Asbury University Honors Program, reflected on the event.
“We are very pleased with this initial event in our Human Dignity Series,” Nesselroade said. “It will serve as an excellent foundation to continue to build this important component of the Honors Program.”
Upon conclusion of the lecture, Bounds engaged in a question-and-answer time with the audience. After the event, the AUHP students attended a fireside chat at Windsor Manor where they engaged in a dialogue session with Bounds on the sanctity of life.
The AUHP will host two additional lectures in its Human Dignity Series in the 2021-22 academic year, including a lecture from Dr. Calum MacKellar titled “Resurrecting Eugenics: Should Only Healthy Children Be Born?”and a lecture from Dr. Richard Weikart titled “Are You the Image of God or a Cosmic Accident?”. Nesselroade invites guests from outside of the program to attend these lectures.
SEARCH will sponsor additional campus events in the 2021-22 academic year. On October 26, Dr. Ben Brammell, professor of biology, and Dr. Daniel Strait, professor of English, hosted a SEARCH event titled “Voyage to the Galápagos: A Perspective on Faith and Evolution.” Brammell and Strait promoted an interdisciplinary dialogue between faith, science, and the humanities at the Christianity and Science event.
SEARCH seeks to highlight transformative learning in the classroom and showcase academics through funded programming, events and marketing. Find its upcoming events here: https://www.asbury.edu/discover-search/opportunities/events/.