Be aware that if you are closer than 6 feet from another person for more than 15 collective minutes, you put yourself at risk of being quarantined for 14 days if that person tests positive for COVID-19 soon after you are with them — even if you were wearing a mask. Wearing a mask greatly reduces the likelihood of you getting COVID-19 or passing it on; however, in the event that the person you were with is diagnosed with COVID-19, it is very possible that you will still have to quarantine for 14 days. These decisions are often made by the Health Department and are not under our control. Keep this in mind as you make decisions about physical distance both while seated and as you move about campus.
In order to make the protocol for close contact, symptoms, quarantine and isolation more clear, please see this infographic.
Asbury recommends the PCR diagnostic test to confirm a positive or negative COVID-19 result. Rapid Antigen Testing is not as reliable so is not sufficient for our community. If you are symptomatic, use a rapid test and get a negative result, you will be asked to retest using a PCR diagnostic test to confirm. To locate a diagnostic testing site, work with Student Health Services and consult the list under “Where can I get tested for COVID-19?”
Keep a distance of 6 feet as much as possible. If you are less than 6 feet from another person, you must wear a mask. When you eat, keep 6 feet from another person (unless you are eating at the plexiglass tables in the cafeteria) since your masks will be off.
Do not take items from a box that everyone is sharing. Food items should be individually wrapped. When you are eating or drinking standing up (coffee, popsicles, Ale 8), stand at a distance of 6 feet. Do not take pencils, pens or papers from someone directly.
For the sake of consistency with other students, dating couples, teammates outside of practice and roommates outside of their room are asked to maintain 6 feet distance or wear masks. We recognize this may seem strange; however, it helps us be very clear about the standard on campus. If you are a married couple or an actual family living in a house together, you do not need to stay 6 feet apart.
You do not need to wear a mask while exercising; however, keep 6 feet distance from another person while exercising whether outdoors or in the Luce Center. Sanitize your workout station before and after your workout.
You are welcome to shoot baskets or pass a football or frisbee, but pick-up games are not possible due to the requirement of keeping 6 feet distance between you and other people. As always, practice excellent hygiene. Athletes under the supervision of their coaches may practice and play intercollegiate sports as directed.
An acceptable face covering must be made out of tightly woven fabric that is at least 2 layers. Please be extremely careful that your mask or gaiter meets this criteria. (Most gaiters do not.) The CDC has recently given the recommendation that masks with valves are not permitted, because they allow for a transfer of air. Questions about masks? Health Services approves masks in question. We recognize that all of us must adapt as the CDC updates its recommendations. Thank you for understanding that new information is continually forthcoming.
When you arrive at class or in a common space, look for the sanitization supplies and clean BEFORE you sit down.
Please take every precaution when traveling in a vehicle. An enclosed, small space is an easy way for the virus to spread. Do not travel with people who are sick. Wear your masks, roll down windows and limit who you travel with. Remember, if someone in the vehicle tests positive for COVID-19 in the next several days, you very likely will be quarantined for 14 days even if you were wearing a mask.
If you are not keeping distance or wearing an approved mask, then staff, faculty, RDs, RAs or other students will ask you to #StayHealthyStayHere and get into Mask Mode. Your RD, Coach or Advisor will follow up with you if this is noted as a recurring issue. If Mask Mode is not working for you and you cannot follow the community requirements, you must talk with Joe Bruner or Sarah Baldwin about a plan to transition home for this semester. Everyone has to be with the plan so that we can all #StayHealthyStayHere!