Leadership Opportunities – Asbury University
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Leadership Opportunities

Spiritual Formation Team

Spiritual Life Coordinators (SLC)

Six positions are available to juniors and seniors. The SLC’s work closely with the Associate Dean for Spiritual Life and the Resident Director (RD) in their respective residence hall. Primary responsibilities are to help create an atmosphere for spiritual growth in their residence hall through encouraging and supporting the Spiritual Life Assistants (SLAs) as they minister on their floor/unit, as well as to assist their RD in spiritual oversight and programming of their residence hall.  These six positions include four in the traditional residence halls, one position serving Aldersgate Commons, and one position serving Commuter Students (Scholarship position)

Spiritual Life Assistants (SLA/Hall Chaplains)

Thirty peer ministry positions are available to students wishing to partner with the Resident Assistant (RA) in developing spiritual growth opportunities for his/her own floor/unit/apartment. Responsibilities include planning the weekly Gathers and caregiving to the residents on their floor/unit/apartment. Commitments include attending Training Week in early fall and regular worship/training events throughout the year. SLAs are supported through regular meetings with their SLC and fellow SLAs within their residence hall.

For more information and questions, contact:
Greg Haseloff
University Pastor


Annie Sisk
Graduate Assistant for Spiritual Life (Spiritual Formation Team)

Elle Crossman
Graduate Assistant for Spiritual Life (Summer Ministry Team)

Outreach Ministries

Summer Ministry Teams (SMT)

The Summer Ministry Team program is a year-long student leadership commitment, beginning in the Spring Semester.  Two teams of 5-6 members each are selected through an application and interview process. One team spends the summer primarily serving by working with youth and children. The second team is a full worship band (drums, guitar, keyboard, sound tech), serving as the band for summer camps, church youth weeks, youth rallies, etc. After selection, team members begin an intensive leadership training program over the spring semester designed to prepare them for 9-weeks of summer ministry to camp, camp meetings, and churches in the United States. Post-summer responsibilities include two debrief meetings in the fall, as well as recruiting assistance for the next SMT group. Team members who complete their summer commitment receive a scholarship of $3,750 for the following school year, with 50% applied each semester.

Asbury Outreach Coalition (AOC)

AOC is an umbrella service organization led by students. AOC regularly sends groups of students out into the community to serve. AOC is currently in active relationships with the following ministries: Lexington Sports Outreach, 4Kids Mentoring Program, Adventure Serve, Church under the Bridge, The Wilmore Service Center, and Refuge for Women. Students interested in developing leadership skills through weekly service are encouraged to participate in AOC. For information on how to get involved contact the AOC.  

For more information and questions, contact:

The Asbury Outreach Coalition

View other leadership opportunities available across campus.